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Westridge Elementary School

Lake Oswego voters passed the Lake Oswego School Bond in November 2021 to fund the following projects for Westridge Elementary:

    • Address priority capital repairs
      • Replace exterior brick veneer not replaced in 2020 renovation
      • Upgrade mechanical systems for comfort and efficiency 
    • Improve accessibility
      • Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members can have access to public building
      • Update playground to make more accessible
    • Safe, secure campuses
      • Rekey exterior doors
      • Update fire alarm system
      • Building door hardware enhancements
      • Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
      • Update campus communication broadcast systems
    • Modernize classrooms
      • Furniture replacement
      • Build garden
      • Continue technology infrastructure updates
      • Replace outdated computers

Westridge Elementary School Renovation: 2017 Bond Program

Improvements completed during the summer of 2019 included:

Exterior Deferred Maintenance

  • replaced all existing roofing
  • replaced water damaged entry canopy with a new design
  • replaced cedar siding with energy-efficient insulated metal siding
  • replaced failing clerestory windows with energy-efficient thermal windows
  • replaced classroom door and window units with thermal storefront systems
  • overlaid main parking lot with asphalt

Interior-Exterior Maintenance and Improvements

  • structural upgrades brought the school up to Seismic Level 3 rating and the gymnasium to Level 4 rating
  • repaired and replaced components of the forty-year-old mechanical equipment
  • security upgrades including a secure vestibule; electronic access control and alarms at points of entry and exit; interior and exterior security cameras; and a new paging/emergency paging communication system
  • improvements to the HVAC systems for increased air exchanges, occupancy comfort and energy efficiency
  • new technology distribution system

Interior Changes

  • major restroom renovations for increased accessibility and improved water efficiency
  • removal of the seismically unsound loft area and partial walls in the library
  • provided meeting and reading rooms within the library
  • replaced library light fixtures with energy-efficient LED fixtures
  • classroom media equipment including audio enhancements and large screen video
  • creation of a 21st-century makerspace, including a technology innovation lab, craft and physical model building area and a kiln in a small adjacent addition
  • construction of a 1,820 square foot addition with restrooms, a classroom and breakout room
  • conversion of a storage area into an additional small classroom

The Westridge project was challenged by discoveries made during construction, including damage to structural components caused by years of water intrusion into exterior wall cavities and under the original upper-level cedar siding. The damages were successfully remediated, but the aging components of the exterior brick assemblies will also need to be replaced. Phase 2 of the project will include removal and reconstruction of the brick façade. The Bond Team is currently developing the schedule for this additional work.