The average age of Lake Oswego School District school buildings is 51 years. Our older school buildings are inadequate, outdated, unsafe, and inefficient. Classrooms and common areas in our oldest buildings are overcrowded. If passed, the Lake Oswego School Bond would fund the following projects:
Construct two new school buildings. Rebuild Lake Oswego Junior High and River Grove Elementary Schools to eliminate portable classrooms, relieve overcrowded classrooms and common areas, and support best practices in education; new buildings would be constructed to immediate occupancy standards in a seismic event and include right of way improvements to parking lots, sidewalks and neighborhood traffic patterns.
Modernize classrooms. Renovate, update and equip science, engineering, and computer labs at Lake Oswego High School and Lakeridge High School to support new and expanded STEM and Career Technical Education programs. Replace outdated computers throughout the district.
Address priority capital repairs. Enhance HVAC systems to improve air quality, repair aging electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, and repair interior and exterior finishes to preserve integrity of buildings throughout district; additionally, upgrade kitchen to support meal service for students, construct seismic upgrades for immediate occupancy, and conduct asbestos abatement at Palisades Elementary School; and replace 20 year old deteriorating roof at Lake Oswego High School.
Improve accessibility. Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, playgrounds, gardens, and entrances throughout the District to ensure students, staff, and community members can have access to public buildings.
Safe, secure campuses. Throughout the District, update fire alarm and sprinkler systems; install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring; update campus communication broadcast systems; upgrade door hardware; and add intrusion-limiting glass.