2021 Bond Campaign
School Bond Measure 3-577
- Why is the proposed bond measure being referred to voters?
- What are the proposed bond projects for each school?
- Who would oversee the bond?
- What would the bond cost?
Why is the proposed bond measure being referred to voters?
The average age of Lake Oswego School District school buildings is 51 years. Our aging schools are inadequate, outdated, unsafe, and inefficient. Classrooms and common areas are overcrowded. If passed, the Lake Oswego School Bond would fund the following projects:
Rebuild Lake Oswego Junior High and River Grove Elementary Schools to eliminate portable classrooms, relieve overcrowded classrooms and common areas, and support best practices in education; new buildings would be constructed to immediate occupancy standards in a seismic event and include right of way improvements to parking lots, sidewalks and neighborhood traffic patterns.
Renovate, update and equip science, engineering, and computer labs at Lake Oswego and Lakeridge High School to support new and expanded STEM and Career Technical Education programs. Replace outdated computers throughout the district.
Enhance HVAC systems to improve air quality, repair aging electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, and repair interior and exterior finishes to preserve integrity of buildings throughout district; additionally, upgrade kitchen to support meal service for students, construct seismic upgrades for immediate occupancy, and conduct asbestos abatement at Palisades Elementary School; and replace deteriorating roof at Lake Oswego High School.
Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, playgrounds, gardens, and entrances throughout the District to ensure all students, staff, and community members can have access to public buildings.
Throughout the District, update fire alarm and sprinkler systems; install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring; update campus communication broadcast systems; upgrade door hardware; and add intrusion-limiting glass.
What are the proposed bond projects for each school?
- Forest Hills Elementary
- Hallinan Elementary
- Lake Grove Elementary
- Lake Oswego High School
- Lake Oswego Junior High School
- Lakeridge High School
- Lakeridge Middle School
- Oak Creek Elementary
- Palisades World Language School
- River Grove Elementary
- Uplands School
- Westridge Elementary
Forest Hills Elementary
Built in 1949
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace broadloom and tile carpet
- Upgrade mechanical systems for comfort and efficiency
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, gardens, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members have access to public building
- Update playground to be more accessible
- Safe, secure campuses
- Update fire alarm system
- Replace building door hardware
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
- Modernize classrooms
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
Hallinan Elementary
Built in 1979
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace carpet in classrooms
- Upgrade mechanical systems for efficiency and comfort
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members have access to public building
- Update playground to be more accessible
- Safe, secure campuses
- Update fire alarm system
- Building door hardware enhancements
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
- Modernize classrooms
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
Lake Grove Elementary
Built in 1949
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace broadloom and tile carpet
- Upgrade mechanical systems for comfort and efficiency
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, garden, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members can have access to public building
- Update playground to make more accessible
- Safe, secure campuses
- Update fire alarm system
- Building door hardware replacement
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
- Modernize classrooms
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
Lake Oswego High School
Rebuilt in 2005
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace roof, flashing, gutters, downspouts, and drains
- Update electrical and mechanical system components for improved efficiency and comfort
- Upgrade plumbing components
- Replace broken bleachers in gymnasium
- Modernize classrooms
- Renovate, update, and equip science, engineering, and computer labs to support new and expanded STEM and Career Technical Education programs
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members have access to public building
- Safe, secure campuses
- Replace aging or prioritized window units on first floor with high efficiency intrusion resistant windows
- Update fire alarm system
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
Lake Oswego Junior High School
Built in 1955
- Construct new school building
- Support best practices in education
- Relieve overcrowded classrooms and common areas
- Implement sustainable and highly efficient building construction and building operations
- Construct to immediate occupancy standards in case of a seismic event
- Make right of way improvements to parking lot, sidewalks, and neighborhood traffic patterns
- New versatile furnishings throughout
- Modernize classrooms
- Technology infrastructure
- Replace outdated computers
Lakeridge High School
Built in 1971
- Address priority capital repairs
- Upgrade electrical and mechanical system components for improved efficiency and comfort
- Upgrade plumbing system components, including drinking fountains
- Improve drainage to protect building integrity
- Repair walkway and cover between main building and gymnasium
- Modernize classrooms
- Renovate, update, and equip science, engineering, and computer labs to support new and expanded STEM and Career Technical Education programs
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members have access to public building
- Safe, secure campuses
- Replace aging first floor windows with high efficiency secure glass
- Update fire alarm system
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
Lakeridge Middle School
Oak Creek Elementary
Built in 1990
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace carpet tiles
- Mechanical upgrades for comfort and efficiency
- Safe, secure campuses
- Update fire alarm system
- Building door hardware enhancements
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
- Modernize Classrooms
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
Palisades World Language School
Built in 1961
- Address priority capital repairs
- Seismic rehabilitation of gymnasium and covered play structure for immediate occupancy in case of a seismic event
- Replace roof due to seismic improvements and meet current energy standards; includes flashing, gutters, downspouts, and drains
- Repair or replace aging electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems for comfort and efficiency; includes new high efficiency boilers and new electrical service
- Repair interior and exterior finishes to protect integrity of building; includes repainting and masonry work
- Rebuild dismantled kitchen to support meal service for students
- Asbestos abatement
- Replace carpet tiles
- Modernize classrooms
- Lighting upgrades
- Build garden
- Technology infrastructure replacement
- Replace outdated computers
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members have access to public building
- Update playground to make more accessible
- Safe, secure campuses
- Replace single pane windows with high efficiency , secure glass
- Update fire alarm system
- Building door hardware enhancements
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
River Grove Elementary
Built in 1968
- Construct new school building
- Support best practices in education
- Relieve overcrowded classrooms and common areas
- Implement sustainable and highly efficient building construction and building operations
- Constructed to immediate occupancy standards in case of a seismic event
- Make right of way improvements to parking lot, sidewalks, and neighborhood traffic patterns
- Modernize classrooms
- Technology infrastructure replacement
- Replace outdated computers
Uplands School
Built in 1961
Future temporary site for River Grove, Lake Oswego Junior High, and other schools when rebuilt.
- Address priority capital repairs
- Upgrade mechanical systems for comfort and efficiency
- Safe, secure campuses
- Replace first floor windows with secure glass
- Update fire alarm system
- Replace building door hardware
- Rekey exterior doors
- Add/repair exterior lighting
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
Westridge Elementary
Built in 1979
- Address priority capital repairs
- Replace exterior brick veneer not replaced in 2020 renovation
- Upgrade mechanical systems for comfort and efficiency
- Improve accessibility
- Make accessibility improvements to walkways, restrooms, parking lots, and entrances to ensure all students, staff, and community members can have access to public building
- Update playground to make more accessible
- Safe, secure campuses
- Rekey exterior doors
- Update fire alarm system
- Building door hardware enhancements
- Install additional cameras for sight improvement and video monitoring
- Update campus communication broadcast systems
- Modernize classrooms
- Furniture replacement
- Build garden
- Continue technology infrastructure updates
- Replace outdated computers
Who would oversee the bond?
Lake Oswego School District has an established Bond Accountability Committee (BAC) made up of citizens appointed for their expertise in building design, construction, and construction finance, law, contracting, budgeting and auditing. BAC assists in monitoring the planning and progress of the LOSD bond program.
What would the bond cost?
This $180,000,000 bond is projected to cost an additional $0.92/$1,000 of assessed value annually. For the median home assessed value of $420,000, that is approximately $385 per year. Actual rates depend on market conditions when bonds are sold. This measure is on the ballot now because the District expects costs to increase. Bonds would mature not more than 26 years from issuance and may be issued in series.
State Matching Funds
Lake Oswego School District will receive State matching funds of $4,000,000 only if bonds are approved.